Grove Kids
Ministry Intro
Here at the Grove Church we LOVE our kids! We've designed a fun, engaging, and faith-forming environment just for them! Children, Infants-5th Grade, will experience God's truth and love in our services every Sunday morning. We want kids to be so excited about the lessons and friendships here that they actually drag you to church!
Our goal is to help children learn to love and walk with Jesus and His church for a lifetime. Our prayer is that God uses parents and the church together to draw children to know and love Him. Children are never too young to find and follow God, so as they are growing physically, they should also be growing spiritually. We are so excited to partner with families in your child’s faith journey!
The safety of your children is our top priority. We are committed to making every classroom safe and secure in order for all children to feel free to have fun, make friends, and grow in their faith. All of our classrooms teach the Bible in creative ways so children can clearly see God's big plan of redemption through every story. Everything we do is intended to help your child’s faith grow.
We hope that a mixture of fun, friendships, and sharing God’s Word and His love will help our Grove Kids develop a faith that lasts a lifetime.

Your First Grove Kids Visit!
From the moment you park, you’ll notice lots of friendly faces eager to help you along.
Your first stop is the Grove Kid’s check in area. We want to serve you and your child well, so we’ll take some time to get to know you. We’ll ask about allergies, make sure we know what your child likes to be called, and collect your information.
Then, you and your child will both get a sticker with a matching code. If for any reason we need to reach you during the service, you’ll see your kid’s code in the lower corner of the screen. This sticker is also what you’ll use to pick-up your child after church ends.
Our Groups
Nursery (0 - 2 Years)
Your little one’s very first experience with our church will be safe and secure with dedicated, loving, and trained caregivers.
PreK (3 - 4 Years)
Perfect for our preschoolers, this group will sing praise and dance, learn an age-appropriate, engaging Bible lesson, color, and participate in fun activities to reinforce what they’ve learned.
Kindergarten - 3rd Grade
Children meet in a large group to pray, praise, and learn the Bible lesson in an active and high energy way. Every lesson has a “big idea” takeaway along with a planned activity and discussion to really help them understand why these lessons matter in their lives.
4th - 5th Grade
We teach the Bible in chronological order, focusing on God’s big plan of redemption. Every lesson is infused with high-energy, fun, memorable activities, clear teaching, discussion, and application of the lesson’s “Big Idea” in their everyday lives.
4th & 5th Grade Hangout
4th & 5th Grade Hangout !
This monthly group is a fun opportunity for our 4th & 5th graders to develop strong friendships, eat some food, play some games, and grow together spiritually! Click on the banner to register for the next Hangout!
Parent Resources
“If a child leaves knowing Jesus loves him, because you’ve loved him, then you’re doing something right!”